Hydronic Shell Overview
(2 mins)
A quick overview of the Hydronic Shell.
What it is, how it works, and why we need it.

Syracuse Demonstration
(3 mins)
A powerful video by the team at Wells Fargo Stories capturing the purpose and spirit of our upcoming demonstration project at 418 Fabius St in Syracuse, NY
This project is in collaboration with the Syracuse Housing Authority, Cycle Retrotech, BlocPower, Syracuse University, and Taitem Engineering.

Technical Seminar
(33 min)
A detailed technical overview of facade-integrated mechanical system (FIMS) by HST Founder and CEO, David Goldstein

Installation Sequence
(30 sec)
A short illustration showing how Hydronic Shell is installed from the exterior

Pattrn Interview
David’s nationally televised live interview on Pattrn, The Weather Channel’s talk show dedicated to climate science and sustainability.